§ 40-601. Utility territory.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Boundaries. The boundaries of the utility are as shown on the utility boundary map dated May 5, 2000, on file in the utility office, as from time to time amended in accordance with this article.


    Additions. Territory may be added to the utility by action of the common council pursuant to Wis. Stats. §§ 62.11(5) and 66.0827 after public hearing, review and recommendation of the board and compliance with the requirements of the MMSD. Territory which is not part of the city's urban service area as adopted and approved by the county regional planning shall not be eligible for attachment to the utility or connection to the sewers of the utility or the MMSD.


    Petition for annexation to utility. A petition for annexation of territory to the utility shall be filed in the office of the director and shall be accompanied by such information as required by the common council and by the board in order to act with respect to such petition.


    Connection charges and fees to added territory. Territory added to the utility in accordance with this section shall be subject to such connection charges or fees, including fees payable to the MMSD, as the common council and board may from time to time determine and file in the office of the director. Such connection charges or fees shall be paid by the petitioner or customers located in the added territory at such time or times as the board may determine.

(Comp. Ords. 2009, § 9.03)