§ 40-531. Thawing of frozen services.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Frozen services shall be thawed out by and at the expense of the utility except where the freezing was caused by contributory fault or negligence on the part of the customer such as reduction of the grade or undue exposure of the piping in the building or on customers' property, or failure to comply with utility specifications and requirements as to depth or service, lack of sufficient backfill, etc.


    Following the freezing of a service, the utility shall take such steps and issue such instructions as may be necessary to prevent the refreezing of the same service. No charge will be made for rethawing if the instructions are followed. In case it is necessary to allow the water to flow to prevent refreezing, the customer shall make provision for proper disposal of the waste water. For the period in which the water is allowed to run, the customer's bill shall be adjusted for the consumption exceeding the customer's average consumption.

(Comp. Ords. 2009, § 10.07(4))