§ 40-226. Disconnection for violations; emergency disconnections.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The utility is authorized and directed to discontinue water service to any property wherein any connection in violation of this section exists, and to take such other precautionary measures deemed necessary to eliminate any danger of contamination of the public water system. Except as provided in section 40-227, water service may be discontinued only after reasonable notice and opportunity for a hearing under sections 40-53—40-55. Water service to the property shall not be restored until the cross connection has been eliminated in compliance with this section.


    Emergency discontinuance of service. If it is determined by the utility that a cross connection or an emergency endangers public health, safety or welfare and requires immediate action, and a written finding to that effect is filed with the city clerk and delivered to the customer's premises, service may be immediately discontinued or ordered disconnected. The customer shall have an opportunity for a hearing under sections 40-53—40-55, within ten days of such emergency discontinuance.

(Comp. Ords. 2009, § 10.045(4), (5))