§ 40-127. Unmetered services.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Unmetered temporary use other than building or construction. Where a water meter cannot be installed immediately, service may be supplied temporarily on an unmetered basis upon written application to the utility. Such service shall be billed in accordance with the city fee schedule.


    Unmetered temporary construction use. When water is wanted on an unmetered basis for construction purposes, a written application shall be made to the utility. If the application is approved, payment for the water shall be made in accordance with the approved building and construction water service (unmetered) rate. For construction purposes, the water must be drawn from the service pipe which is carried inside the foundation wall. No connection with the service pipe at the curb shall be made. In no case will any employee of the utility turn on water for construction work unless the contractor first presents a permit. Upon completion of the construction work, the contractor must return the original permit to the utility, together with a statement of the actual amount of construction work performed.


    Isolated unmetered usage. When water is wanted on an unmetered basis for isolated purposes such as filling swimming pools, tanks or tank wagons, steam tractors or rollers, or portable steam boilers, written application therefor shall be made to the utility. If the application is approved, payment for the water shall be made in advance at the scheduled rates for general unmetered water service.

(Comp. Ords. 2009, § 10.04(8)(B))