§ 40-88. Compulsory connection; exception.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section every owner of a parcel of land within the city shall install, at owner's expense, suitable plumbing facilities and connect to a utility-owned water main within 90 days after the date of written notice by the board when the following conditions exist:


    Parcel of land is located within the utility, adjacent to a utility water main that has been petitioned for, which contains a residential property serviced by a private well.


    Parcel of land is located within the utility, adjacent to a utility water main that has not been petitioned for, which contains a residential property serviced by a private well in violation of any of the provisions of Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 809 (safe drinking water) regarding maximum contaminate levels and/or is serviced by a private well in violation of any of the well and pump installation requirements in Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 812 (well construction and pump installation).


    Parcel of land is located within the utility, adjacent to a utility water main, which contains a building or other structure used for the conduct of any trade business, industry, or multifamily purpose currently served by a private well.


    A well operation permit, as defined in chapter 30, shall be maintained for every private well located on a property adjacent to a utility water main until the private well is abandoned. Failure to maintain a current well operation permit will result in mandatory connection to a utility water main and mandatory abandonment of the private well within 90-days of written notice by the board.


    As used in this subsection, the term "adjacent" means 50 percent or more of the frontage abuts upon a right-of-way or easement in which is installed a utility water main.

(Comp. Ords. 2009, § 10.04(1); Ord. No. 2009-O-35, § 1(10.04(1)), 1-12-192010)