Division 3. CONNECTIONS  

SubDivision I. In General
§ 40-88. Compulsory connection; exception.
§ 40-89. Temporary waiver.
§ 40-90. Exclusive agricultural land waiver.
§ 40-91. State and county connection requirements applicable.
§ 40-92. Application for connection permit required.
§ 40-93. Connection permit requirements; pre-issuance inspection.
§ 40-94. Multiunit dwellings.
§ 40-95. Automatic fire sprinkler system plans required.
§ 40-96. Separate metering of lawn sprinkler systems.
§ 40-97. Minimum service contract period.
§ 40-98. Reconnection.
§§ 40-99—40-124. Reserved.
SubDivision II. Temporary Connections
§ 40-125. Application required.
§ 40-126. Metered supply.
§ 40-127. Unmetered services.
§ 40-128. Hydrant connections.
§ 40-129. Deposits returned.
§§ 40-130—40-158. Reserved.
SubDivision III. Pipes and Protective Devices
§ 40-159. Water service laterals.
§ 40-160. Water service pipes.
§ 40-161. Size of water supply pipes.
§ 40-162. Stop box and curb stop inspection.
§ 40-163. Protective devices required.
§ 40-164. Division of service prohibited.
§ 40-165. State plumbing regulations applicable.
§§ 40-166—40-183. Reserved.
SubDivision IV. Meters
§ 40-184. Required.
§ 40-185. Consumer's duties.
§ 40-186. Location.
§ 40-187. Sealing required.
§ 40-188. Option for separate unit meters for multiunit dwellings.
§ 40-189. Public works installation standards applicable.
§ 40-190. Radio-read transponders.
§ 40-191. Meter accuracy testing.
§ 40-192. Repair of meters.
§§ 40-193—40-222. Reserved.
SubDivision V. Cross Connections
§ 40-223. Cross connection defined.
§ 40-224. Prohibited.
§ 40-225. Inspections.
§ 40-226. Disconnection for violations; emergency disconnections.
§ 40-227. Plumbing codes not superseded.
§ 40-228. Cross connection control policy.
§§ 40-229—40-247. Reserved.